Canterbury Housing Project
Our Canterbury Home
where your treasure is, there your heart will be also – Matthew 6.21
“It was Autumn 2017 that the idea of finding a house in Canterbury for Friends International (FI) was first discussed. In the Spring of 2018 we launched our project in Canterbury as we trusted that the Lord would guide us and provide the resources to make this project a reality. We moved into the house in January 2020, and started using it to host former students and visiting staff.
We are grateful for the many brothers and sisters in Christ who have contributed to this project and made it possible for us to move into the property. We are so thankful for God’s provision for us as this house is based in the student area and is equal walking distance to the two biggest universities – the base for our office space and for hospitality for new and old students.”
– Baiba Strause-Kalmere & Gavin Culmer
We are thankful that the house has been purchased and is now used for ministry purposes. The house has been purchased with the help of revolving loans through ISMHT.
We are still seeking Christian supporters of world mission and international student outreach, to partner with us in our strategic objectives, by offering funds in one of the following ways:
- Direct charitable donation, with or without Gift Aid.
- Interest-free loans of £5,000 or greater over 3, 5 or 7+ years.
- Equity loans of £5,000 or greater for a minimum of 3 years (loan value tied to the market value of the house)
- Legacy gifts of whole or part of properties.
A local supporter of the work writes:
“Under God’s leading, Baiba and Gavin have been able to purchase a property – thanks in no small part to the generosity of existing supporters of ISHMT. The home is part-owned by Baiba and Gavin, and part-owned by the trust. This is a source of much rejoicing, not only for the occupants, but also for all who support the strategic ministry that Friends International brings to bear in our student-filled city. ISMHT has used money loaned by Christians from other parts of the UK to enable the Canterbury house to be purchased. They are appealing for gifts and loans to replenish their funds, to continue support for mission to international students in other towns and cities. I felt this was a great opportunity to support the work in Canterbury and country-wide in a practical way. I am fortunate enough to have some capital I can lend to the trust in the medium term, and am gladly doing this. It is also a way of paying back those who have gone before and thought strategically about this ministry. Please consider supporting this cause if you in a position to do so.”
More about International Student Mission Housing Trust
- The house has been purchased through a unique, locally tailored arrangement with the International Student Mission Housing Trust
- ISMHT is a UK charity to provide affordable housing for mission workers who are supporting international students and sharing the Christian message with them.
- The Trust aims to bring within reach adequate housing that is suitable for the vital ministry of hospitality to students
- The Trust is managed by unpaid Trustees and has a close affiliation with Friends International. Find out more about Friends International HERE.
Would you like to know more?
Please click here to express interest in supporting this vital Gospel work. There is no obligation now. A Canterbury representative will get in touch to help you decide what would work best for you.
For more information about investing in the Canterbury housing initiative, click here for our ‘Frequently Asked Questions.’ You are also welcome to contact ISMHT nationally
Important notice:
Friends International Canterbury is a group supporting the work of Friends International locally. We do not give financial advice.
Address for: ISMHT- The Rowan Centre, All Nations Christian College, Easneye, Ware SG12 8LX
FI Canterbury Office/ home- 31d Ulcombe Gardens, Canterbury, CT2 7QY